Выдержка из тимплейного конфига команды Slackers:
bind x "_safe" // location safe
bind x "_help" // need help at location
bind x "_lost" // location lost
bind x "_utake" // u take [location]
bind x "_slipped" // enemy slipped , depends on map (dm2 - tele / dm3 - ra-tunnel / e1m2 - spikes)
bind x "_switch" // replace location
bind x "_coming // coming from location
bind x "_took" // took item at location
bind x "_report" // report your status armor/health weapon powerups
bind x "_getquad" // get quad
bind x "_getpent" // get pent
bind x "shownick;_point" // if you point teammate it shows health/armor ingame, else it points item at location
bind x "_epowerup" // enemy powerup
bind x "_quadover" // quad over
bind x "_need_teampowerup" // reports need item if you need anything and reports team powerup if you have one
bind x "_rlkilled" // report rl killed at location
bind x "_killme" // begs teammate to kill you so you can drop a rl/lg rocket/cell pack whatever
bind x "_attack" // attack position where you last died
Выдержка из буржуйской статьи по тимплею (перевод нужен или так понятно?):
SWITCH [location] - this basically means that the person needs someone to come and take over whatever he's doing atm, be it defending tele on dm2 or maybe safekeeping ra on dm3. The reasons may vary; a report in conjunction can indicate low ammo level or perhaps low health.
HELP [location] - holy moley this place is being overrun. Help! Don't use this in situations where it doesn't really matter whether or not you die (e g when you run headlong into ra-mega with 200/100 and no weapon and face three rl enemies), since this will just clutter the mm2 and make things harder for everyone else. DO use it if you're defending something important, like tele on dm2, and you are holding enemies off but just barely.
GET [PENT/QUAD/RING] - well, what do you think? Use in conjunction with a "QUAD ON [time]" command if you have one, so your mates know when to go for it.
ENEMY @ [location] - can be used to report enemies at a specific point of interest, like "ENEMY @ big". This can mean a difference to the quadrunner or maybe someone defending a spot which the enemy will soon reach.
NEED [AMMO/ARMOR/RL/HEALTH] - well doh. Don't misuse this; don't take everything you come across on the map just because you happen to be there.
COMING [location] - this might be a good idea to say when you're running somewhere your mates might be expecting the wrong kind of company. Or simply a way of saying "I want that thing" about something that was just pointed out by a mate.
POINT @ [location] - this will show up like "RA @ RA-TOP", "RL @ LOW" and so on depending on what you point out. Use it to tell your mates that there is something available that you don't need or you think they need better than you. If noone replies with a COMING, make sure you pick it up yourself if there is a risk of the enemy getting it instead.
SAFE [location] - this essentially tells your mates that this particular area is cool, and that they can divert their attention elsewhere.
LOST [location] E:X - DO NOT USE THIS EXCESSIVELY. Basically this tells the team that an area is hot and that you just died there. The E:X shows up as E:2 to the team if there are 2 enemies close by where you died, and so on. If it's very important, like losing tele on dm2, use this in conjunction with the next command:
ATTACK [location] E:X - tells your mates to attack a specific location. Like the LOST command, don't overuse it.
REPORT - shows up like "UI 200R/100 RLG @ RA-TOP" or something like that. Don't report excessively, but do it if you suspect a teammate might shoot you or something like that. Also, it can be a quick way to sort out arguments regarding who should get the next spawn of something, like an RL. You should be able to read and understand a report message in much less than a second.